Spring is the perfect time to hit the restart button and gently cleanse and detoxify. Cleansing can be intimidating if you have never done it before. If you are looking to sleep better, have more energy, clearer skin and less digestive issues, then you could benefit from a cleanse. With these simple tips and recommendations you will feel confident embarking on a cleanse this spring.
I am a huge advocate of juice cleansing because it gives the digestive tract a break but still allows your body to take in plenty of nutrients. Our 3-Day Seasonal Cleanse Program is perfect for beginners and even for people who have done a juice cleanse before. I love that it comes with an organic remineralizing vegetable broth and organic, EveryDay Detox tea. The broth is a nice warm break from the green juices and the detox tea is an effective blend of organic herbs that promote healthy skin, liver and kidney function.
To get the most out of your cleanse and feel your best here are some simple at home tips.
Dry skin brushing is a great way to get your lymphatic system moving better, helping to eliminate toxins more effectively. Use a natural bristle body brush and starting at your feet, do gentle circular motions upward towards your heart. Brush slowly and gently, being sure to brush your abdomen and chest as well. Repeat the same motion on your arms starting from your hands working towards your heart. Click here for more information on dry skin brushing.
Following dry brushing, you can do a hot and cold contrast shower. This is another effective way at moving the lymphatic system to eliminate toxins and get more out of your cleanse. Start your shower with three minutes of hot (to tolerance) and then blast the cold water on (to tolerance) for one minute. Alternate for a total of three times, always ending on cold. When you get out of the shower dry yourself off with a towel using a circular and vigorous motion. This also makes for a great way to wake up, so do this in the morning.
In the evening before you go to bed, draw yourself a hot bath and add Epsom salt. Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate which will help ease muscles and calm the nervous system. For an even more relaxing experience, add essential oils like lavender to the bath, or try Olbas Therapeutic Herbal Bath if you have particularly achy muscles.
When on a cleanse, especially a juice cleanse, it is optimal to take some time off from work and employ some relaxation techniques. You can use your time to unplug from technology and connect with nature. Go for a walk or light hike, meditate, stretch or do yoga. This is the perfect time for you to reflect upon your health goals and create a plan of action to continue improving your health once the cleanse ends. I suggest seeing a naturopathic doctor who will help you address your health concerns with natural recommendations.
Breaking a cleanse is key and should be done so slowly and gently. Start by adding in steamed vegetables with no salt or oil. Be sure to continue hydrating and with each day after the cleanse keep adding in simple foods. I recommend adding in a fiber supplement such as Orthomecular fiber plus. This will help keep you regular and ease the transition from juice cleanse to solid foods again. I also recommend adding in a greens powder such as Health Force’s Vitamineral Green. Once on the right track and feeling great you want to keep the momentum going by adding in plenty of greens into your diet through food as well as supplementation.
Lastly, be sure to add in a good quality probiotic like Probulin’s Daily Care Probiotic. A good probiotic will colonize your gut with beneficially bacteria, which will help your digestive tract and also improve your immune system. Learn more about the Peoples 3-Day Seasonal Cleanse designed by Julia Strickler, ND* at any of our four Austin locations or by visiting peoplesrx.com/health-wellness/cleanse/.